Work Request

Any Physical Plant work request must be scheduled through the Physical Plant Department by use of the SchoolDude work request form. If you are a new user, please register yourself. SchoolDude has enhanced security to access a Physical Plant work request. This update requires each requester to use a personal password when logging in to submit a request. This will add another layer of security on top of the Submittal Password used on each request form. After completing the form to step #8, the password you would submit here is "workorder." When completed, click "submit" and Physical Plant will receive the request and the system will return a notice to you that your request was received and will be scheduled.

If your work request needs to include the Property Disposal Form or the Transfer of Inventory Form, you will need to attach it to your work request under step #7. After completing the proper form, copy it to your desktop. Once you obtain the correct signatures, scan the form to your desktop and attach it to step #7. Once you complete the Work Request form, click "submit" and Physical Plant will receive the request and the system will return a notice to you that your request was received and your request will be scheduled.


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