How to identify different species of plants
Native and Non-Native
Winter identification
Use a dichotomous key
Cruising timber
Data manipulation
Statistical analysis
Global Positioning System (GPS)
Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Forest inventory software
Drone application
Work independently and in a group
Present yourself professionally
Spend Time Outdoors!
Conduct forest inventories
Practice hands-on skills
Evaluate forest health
Plant Trees
Discover what others are saying about ACM Forest Technology – click an image below.
Our Forest Technology program prepares you to work in a wide variety of natural resource fields from traditional forestry (working in the woods), to urban forestry (working with individual trees in urban areas), land surveying, park service, or even wildlife management! You'll learn to work alone, use equipment, make qualified decisions, and supervise work crews in the field. And you'll be prepared for employment in just four semesters and a seven-week summer field program.
As a forest technology student, you'll experience in-the-field training on conducting a forest inventory, locating and measuring property boundaries, determining the health of a forest stand, and evaluating a fish or animal population. Because forestry has become high-tech, you'll learn and become comfortable using the latest in Global Positioning System (GPS), Geographic Information System (GIS), and Drone technology.
You may also choose to join our Forestry Club or Woodsmen's team -- two great opportunities for professional development, networking, and fun. Activities of the Forestry Club include camping and fishing trips, seedling sales, attending a meeting of the Society of American Foresters, and more. The Woodsmen's team participates in an annual lumberjack competition that involves events like cross-cut-sawing, axe throwing, and chopping. The events that the Woodsmen's team performs are much like those in which professional timber sports athletes compete.
The Forest Technology program has been approved by the Maryland Higher Education Commission (MHEC) as a Statewide Designated Program. Maryland residents from counties other than Allegany County who register in this eligible program will be charged the out-of-county tuition rate. However, these students may be eligible to receive reimbursement for a portion of the cost difference between the in-county and out-of-county tuition rates. Funding availability for this program is based on funding from the state of Maryland and is thus subject to change each semester. Some restrictions apply. Please contact the Admissions Office for more information.
Additionally, numerous Forest Technology scholarships are available through our Foundation.
Our experienced, knowledgeable faculty are excited to share their expertise with you and prepare you to succeed in the diverse, cutting-edge, and scientific field of Forest Technology
Marie Perrin Miller
Associate Professor & Forestry Program Director
Technology 108
A.A.S, Allegany College of Maryland
B.S., West Virginia University
M.N.R., Oregon State University
Levi Sisler
Assistant Professor of Forestry
Technology 107
A.A.S., Allegany College of Maryland B.S. West Virginia University M.S. West Virginia University
Marsha Clauson
Administrative Associate
Technology 111
A.A.S., Allegany College of Maryland
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