Admissions Application

Please note that the Spring 2025 semester has already started as of Jan. 15, 2025. Please contact Admissions if you have any questions or need more information regarding enrollment for the Spring semester.

  • Good start
  • Keep going
  • You're halfway
  • Almost there
  • One more step
  • Success!

Good start

You selected NO SSN. Please continue to fill out this application to submit online but contact the Admission's Office to finalize processing.


Keep going

Contact Information

Permanent address and phone, including area code:

Local Address and Phone Numbers:
(if different from permanent address)

Email Address:


You're halfway

Personal Information

Select one or more of the following categories:

Almost there

Educational Background


One more step

Educational Goals

  • AA - Associate of Arts
  • AAS - Associate of Applied Science
  • AAT - Associate of Arts in Teaching
  • AS - Associate of Science
  • CERT - Certificate
  • LOR - Letter of Recognition

immediately preceding the first day of classes of the semester applied for at Allegany College of Maryland. Futher, my presence during this period was not for the purpose of temporary residence incident to enrollment in an institution of higher education. (documentation of residency may be requested)


College Policy Statement

Allegany College of Maryland has an open door admissions policy; however, some programs have specific admissions requirements. Our goal is to make your admission and registration process as simple as possible.

Allegany College of Maryland does not discriminate on the basis of federally protected classes of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, disability, and veteran/military status in matters affecting employment or in providing access to programs and activities. Allegany College of Maryland recognizes and complies with additional protections for employees and/or pursuant to state law. Additional information is available at For inquiries related to the application of this statement, the Non-Discrimination policy, Title IX, and ADA/504, please contact: Dr. Renee Conner, Dean of Student and Legal Affairs, Title IX Coordinator, ADA/504 Coordinator, 301-784-5206 / Allegany College of Maryland is required to inform prospective and current students of important College policies including Non-Discrimination, Title IX, Child Abuse Mandated Reports, Clery Act, Heroin & Opioid, Drug and Alcohol Use, Academic Disabilities, FERPA, Accreditation, Faith-Based/Religious Academic Accommodations, and Medical Disclosure Procedure. For full details on these key policies, please visit the Allegany College of Maryland website at

Allegany College of Maryland recognizes drug and alcohol abuse/addiction as a health risk; the dangers associated with heroin and opioids are gravely concerning to this institution. The college urges everyone to be informed and offers educational resources (including treatment information) at All new, full time students are required by Maryland law to participate in heroin/opioid training. In an overdose emergency, call 911. If you have any questions or concerns or if you need help, contact the Campus Security/Special Police by email at or by phone at 301-784-5252 or the Office of Student & Legal Affairs by email at, or by phone at 301-784-5206. * Allegany College of Maryland prohibits the possession and use of drugs and alcohol on all college property and in all college-affiliated activities without the express permission of the College President.

As required by Federal law, this serves as notification that Allegany College of Maryland conducts business electronically, however students have the right to choose to conduct business through other means without additional charge. If you do not want to conduct business electronically, you may visit or contact the appropriate ACM office during normal business hours. For example, you will go to the Advising Center/Registration Office to register for classes, or to the Financial Aid Office to sign for your Financial Aid in person or through paper communications. Even if you choose to conduct business electronically, you continue to have the right to conduct business in person or through paper communications.

Please note that the College's official mode of communication with you will always be through your College-provided email account even if you choose to conduct business through non-electronic means. Communications will continue to be routed to your ACM email address, and you will be responsible for all academic and administrative information provided to you in this format. Additionally, as an ACM student, you are still required to utilize the College's electronic learning management system (Brightspace) as well as its electronic communication and collaboration tools utilized for instruction.

Anyone who experiences mobility, medical, psychological, or learning disabilities is encouraged to contact the appropriate office/person to request reasonable accommodations. For instructional accommodations, contact For non-instructional accommodations or if you need to make a complaint, contact ACM's ADA/504 Coordinator, Dr. Renee Conner in CC-12, by email at, or by phone at 301-784-5206. For detailed information about policy, procedures, and prevention education, see

In compliance with Part V, Department of Education, 34-CFR, Part 668 - Student Assistance General Provisions; Allegany College of Maryland will make available to all prospective students data regarding completion or graduation rates for the College through the College Admissions Office. Completion or graduation rates of students receiving athletically-related student aid data are available to all potential student athletes, their parents, high school coaches and guidance counselors through the Athletic Department. Allegany College of Maryland complies with the Higher Education Reauthorization Act including the Clery Act, and the Violence Against Women Act as well as other federal and state rules. Crime statistics are submitted annually to the United States Department of Education (website:, and the most recent annual Crime & Fire Safety Report is published on the college's website at

Allegany College of Maryland is in compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974. Allegany College of Maryland accords all the rights under the law to all students in credit courses. No one outside the institution shall have access to, nor will the institution disclose, any information from students' education records without the written consent of students except to personnel within the institution, to accrediting agencies carrying out their accreditation function, to persons in compliance with a judicial order, and to persons in an emergency in order to protect the health or safety of students or other persons. All of these exceptions are permitted under the Act.

Allegany College of Maryland prohibits sexual misconduct and sex discrimination by or against all students, employees, and campus guests. If you have any questions or concerns or if you need to make a complaint, contact ACM's Title IX Coordinator, Dr. Renee Conner in CC-12, by email at, or by phone at 301-784-5206. For detailed information about policy, procedures, and prevention education, see

I have read the statements contained herein and accept the conditions and policies. Further, I certify that all information provided in this application is true/accurate and that any omissions or inaccuracies could result in dismissal from the College.

I understand that it is my responsibility to notify the Admissions Office of any change in the information contained on this application.

In making this application, I agree to abide by all College rules, policies, and regulations (including Code of Student Conduct), as well as local, state, and federal laws. I understand it is my responsibility to complete any student education/training required by law, regulation, or college policy. I further accept and agree to abide by the policies and regulations of Allegany College of Maryland concerning drug and alcohol abuse and understand that the unlawful use of drugs or alcohol will subject me to penalties contained in those policies and regulations.


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