The Adult Education and Literacy Services Program (AELS) is a non-degree bearing program offering education and training for adults to build their skills and knowledge to become successful in the workplace. Instruction is focused on developing the students reading, writing and math skills and to facilitate career pathways and post secondary opportunities for the student.
The program offers multiple instructional options for learners to complete course work and engage with the instructor and classmates. Courses are offered in virtual and face to face formats with digital and remote learning platforms.
Individualized assessment and placement provide a learner centered focused effort to align instruction with the students personal and academic goals.
Adult Basic Education (ABE)
These basic skills courses are designed to develop the reading, writing, and math
abilities for individuals to perform day-to-day tasks and build skills necessary for
securing a non-traditional high school diploma and employment.
English as a Second Language (ESL)
This course provides instruction for English language learners in the basics of reading,
writing, speaking and listening in English.
Diploma Prep: General Education Development (GED) & External Diploma
Program (NEDP)
This course prepares students to take the official GED Test or to qualify for admission
to the National External Diploma Program (NEDP).
Workplace and Career Readiness Skills
This course is designed to enable the student to learn the skills necessary to improve
employability and basic skills using the ACT Workforce Solutions Curriculum.
ACT WorkKeys National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC) Testing
Family Literacy
This course provides parents real world reading, writing, math, and technology skills
along with opportunities for career exploration to provide a strong literacy foundation
for families.
AELS Program Support Instruction
Adult Education and Literacy Services offers instruction for eligible students to
support transition into the college experience through the identification of career
and education goals, developing post-secondary education learning skills and strategies,
and building content knowledge.
WEX Program
The Work Experience (WEX) program is a collaboration between ACM and Maryland's Department of Social Services (DSS) to improve employability of recipients of services who are work-eligible. Participants must be directly referred to the program by DSS. WEX provides Job Readiness training, assistance in joining AELS classes, and personal and occupational development activities. Classroom activities prepare participants for internships, employment in the local job market, and opportunities for higher education and career development. WEX's community partners provide a variety of opportunities for internships and contribute informative presentations to help participants network with local services and to make informed decisions for their families.
You can now take the official GED test online and we have resources to help you.
Sarah Bohn
Coordinator of Adult Education and Literacy Services
Gateway Center 3rd Floor
Stephanie Brehm, ReEntry Skills Instructor- Allegany County Detention Center
Jennifer Howell, AELS Instructor- Allegany County Detention Center
Jeremy Jensen, AELS Instructor
Ashley Kline, AELS Instructor
Neroli Mae, AELS Instructor