April Yeager

April Yeager

Hero Status

Name: April Yeager
Major: Massage Therapy & Addictions Certificate

Q & A
  • Being an ACM Allied Health student isn’t easy but our instructors are here to help. In your experience, what are the “superpowers” that make a great instructor stand out?
    Communication, integrity, and a holistic approach to teaching.
  • Has there been a moment in class or an interaction with an instructor or staff member that stands out to you? Tell us about it.
    Is when it comes to the assessment times and you find that you are massaging your instructor for your assessment. It really makes you want to step up your game but you also get a little bit nervous and through that process you end up self-refining and end up becoming the best massage therapist that you can possibly be.
  • What’s been your superpower that’s made you a great Allied Health student?
    Determination, perseverance and adaptability. 
  • What’s your favorite piece of technology at school or work?
    Hydrocollator or the hydraulic massage tables
  • What 3 things do you like (or love, we’ll always take love) about the courses in your major? 
    Massage therapy starts with self-care. Having that foundation for self-care then you can be the best professional that you can be. The compassion that is showed between the students, the gentleness of the touch, and the direct communication.  Being able to express freely what the teachers need to tell the students and what the students needs to tell each other to get the best feedback so they can be the best that they can be.
  • What experience (or class) at ACM surprised you the most?
    There are two. My favorite class at ACM which surprised me the most was Current Trends, because of the wide range of different massage therapy related fields that you can go into and specialize in.  But overall, I would have to say the internship we did at the hospital where we massaged patients in the oncology unit.  And just the human to human contact, the interaction, the compassion, that you have, it’s a whole other level and a whole other role that a massage therapist can play when you’re interacting with patients in the hospital who are actively seeking treatments for actively having treatments for their illness. 
  • What are your plans after graduation? 
    To grow my wellness center, I have the Joshua wellness center on the downtown mall and I just want to expand that and be able to offer more to the community and offering massage therapy as part of the community, I think it’s going to be a great tool to help eliminate and reduce the some of suffering in our local community.
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