Consumer Information Disclosures


Allegany College of Maryland shares the following consumer information with you relating to our educational processes and services in accordance with the Federal Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended by the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 1965.

This consumer information webpage is updated periodically.  If you have any questions or would like a paper copy of any of this information, please contact Ms. Meghan Palumbo, Director of Student Financial Aid Programs at

General information about the college, including tuition, fees, and miscellaneous costs, financial aid, refund policies, withdrawal policies, federal law regarding the return of certain grants and loans, and information about the college’s academic programs may be found in the official ACM College Catalog.

General Institutional Information

  • Net Price Calculator
  • Dropping A Class vs. Withdrawing from All Classes – Dropping a class or classes is different than officially withdrawing from the College. Both require additional paperwork through our Registration Office.
  • Refund Policy for Withdrawal
  • Return of Title IV FundsCalculation performed when a federal financial aid recipient officially or unofficially withdraws from Allegany College of Maryland. An unofficial withdrawal happens when a student stops attending all classes without completing the official withdrawal paperwork.
  • Academic Calendar
  • Textbook Information – View our online Textbook Lookup site, which includes the prices and the ISBN information
  • Institutional Facilities – Information regarding instructional, laboratory, and physical plant facilities associated with ACM’s academic programs.
  • Faculty
  • Transfer of Credit Policy – ACM has established criteria which students must meet in order to successfully transfer credits to us which have been earned at another institution.
  • Approved Articulation Agreements - Agreements between ACM and other institutions for the pre-approved transferability of credits between the institutions.
  • Written ArrangementsThe ACM Student Financial Aid Office will serve only at the Host Institution for Consortium Agreements.
  • Copyright Infringement PolicyACM’s policy and sanctions related to copyright infringement, the civil and criminal penalties for individuals involved in such actions and disciplinary action that will be taken against students engaged in unauthorized distribution of copyrighted materials through ACM’s information technology system
  • Education Instruction and Leadership Department Page – plans for improving academic programs
  • Study AbroadACM does not currently have any study abroad programs
  • GED Options
  • Constitution DayACM commemorates Constitution Day every September 17 by holding various educational programs, unless it is on a day when school is not in session, in which case it will be celebrated the preceding week.

  • The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act/Privacy of Student Records – FERPA was implemented in 1974 as a federal law to protect the privacy of student education records.  FERPA gives students the right to review their education records, seek to amend inaccurate information in their records, provide consent for the disclosure of their records and file a complaint with the Family Policy Compliance Office concerning potential violations. This law applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education. ACM’s policy regarding FERPA can be accessed at:

Notification of Rights under FERPA

 The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords eligible students certain rights with respect to their education records. (An “eligible student” under FERPA is a student who is 18 years of age or older or who attends a postsecondary institution at any age.) These rights include:

 1.  The right to inspect and review the student's education records within 45 days after the day Allegany College of Maryland receives a request for access. A student should submit to the Director of Admissions, Advising, and Registration a written request that identifies the record(s) the student wishes to inspect. The school official will make arrangements for access and notify the student of the time and place where the records may be inspected. If the records are not maintained by the school official to whom the request was submitted, that official shall advise the student of the correct official to whom the request should be addressed.

2.  The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the student believes is inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the student’s privacy rights under FERPA.

A student who wishes to ask Allegany College of Maryland to amend a record should write to the Director of Admissions, Advising, and Registration, clearly identify the part of the record the student wants changed, and specify why it should be changed.

If Allegany College of Maryland decides not to amend the record as requested, Allegany College of Maryland will notify the student in writing of the decision and the student’s right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the student when notified of the right to a hearing.

 3.  The right to provide written consent before Allegany College of Maryland discloses personally identifiable information (PII) from the student's education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent.

 Allegany College of Maryland discloses education records without a student’s prior written consent under the FERPA exception for disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official typically includes a person employed by Allegany College of Maryland in an administrative, supervisory, academic, research, or support staff position (including law enforcement unit personnel and health staff); a person serving on the board of trustees; or a student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee. A school official also may include a volunteer or contractor outside of Allegany College of Maryland who performs an institutional service or function for which the school would otherwise use its own employees and who is under the direct control of the school with respect to the use and maintenance of PII from education records, such as an attorney, auditor, or collection agent or a student volunteering to assist another school official in performing his or her tasks. A school official typically has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibilities for Allegany College of Maryland.

 4.  The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by Allegany College of Maryland to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the office that administers FERPA is:

Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20202

[NOTE: In addition, a school may want to include its directory information public notice, as required by § 99.37 of the regulations, with its annual notification of rights under FERPA.]

 Below is a list of the disclosures that Allegany College of Maryland may make without consent.

FERPA permits the disclosure of PII from students’ education records, without consent of the student, if the disclosure meets certain conditions found in § 99.31 of the FERPA regulations. Except for disclosures to school officials, disclosures related to some judicial orders or lawfully issued subpoenas, disclosures of directory information, and disclosures to the student, § 99.32 of FERPA regulations requires the institution to record the disclosure. Eligible students have a right to inspect and review the record of disclosures. A postsecondary institution may disclose PII from the education records without obtaining prior written consent of the student -

  • To other school officials, including teachers, within ACM whom the school has determined to have legitimate educational interests. This includes contractors, consultants, volunteers, or other parties to whom the school has outsourced institutional services or functions, provided that the conditions listed in § 99.31(a)(1)(i)(B)(1) - (a)(1)(i)(B)(3) are met. (§ 99.31(a)(1))
  • To officials of another school where the student seeks or intends to enroll, or where the student is already enrolled if the disclosure is for purposes related to the student’s enrollment or transfer, subject to the requirements of § 99.34. (§ 99.31(a)(2))
  • To authorized representatives of the U. S. Comptroller General, the U.S. Attorney General, the U.S. Secretary of Education, or State and local educational authorities, such activity on their behalf. (§§ 99.31(a)(3) and 99.35)
  • In connection with financial aid for which the student has applied or which the student has received, if the information is necessary to determine eligibility for the aid, determine the amount of the aid, determine the conditions of the aid, or enforce the terms and conditions of the aid. (§ 99.31(a)(4))
  • To organizations conducting studies for, or on behalf of, the school, in order to: (a) develop, validate, or administer predictive tests; (b) administer student aid programs; or (c) improve instruction. (§ 99.31(a)(6))
  • To accrediting organizations to carry out their accrediting functions. (§ 99.31(a)(7))
  • To parents of an eligible student if the student is a dependent for IRS tax purposes. (§ 99.31(a)(8))
  • To comply with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena. (§ 99.31(a)(9))
  • To appropriate officials in connection with a health or safety emergency, subject to § 99.36. (§ 99.31(a)(10))
  • Information the school has designated as “directory information” under § 99.37. (§ 99.31(a)(11))
  • To a victim of an alleged perpetrator of a crime of violence or a non-forcible sex offense, subject to the requirements of § 99.39. The disclosure may only include the final results of the disciplinary proceeding with respect to that alleged crime or offense, regardless of the finding. (§ 99.31(a)(13))
  • To the general public, the final results of a disciplinary proceeding, subject to the requirements of § 99.39, if the school determines the student is an alleged perpetrator of a crime of violence or non-forcible sex offense and the student has committed a violation of the school’s rules or policies with respect to the allegation made against him or her. (§ 99.31(a)(14))
  • To parents of a student regarding the student’s violation of any Federal, State, or local law, or of any rule or policy of the school, governing the use or possession of alcohol or a controlled substance if the school determines the student committed a disciplinary violation and the student is under the age of 21. (§99.31(a)(15))
  • Student Handbook
  • ACM FERPA Point of Contact: Jennifer Engelbach

Student Financial Aid Information

Computer Policies and Procedures

Health and Safety

Student Outcomes

CARES Act Funding - Grants to Institution

CARES Act Funding - Grants to Student

  • Background
  • President Trump signed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act), which includes the Education Stabilization Fund, as part of his March 13, 2020 declaration of a national pandemic. Part of this fund, $13.95 billion, will be given to colleges and universities to award to its students. The allotment given each college is based on the full-time equivalent enrollment of Pell Grant recipients (75% of calculated award) and the full time equivalent of our non-Pell eligible population (25% of calculated award). Allegany College of Maryland (ACM) has been granted a total of $1,494,165; of which, 50% is earmarked specifically as Emergency Financial Aid Grants to Students - $747,083. ACM fully intends to disburse to students at least this 50% amount.

    The Department of Education (ED) has provided the following statement as the basis for awards: “At least 50 percent must be reserved to provide students with emergency financial aid grants to help cover expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to coronavirus (including eligible expenses under a student’s cost of attendance, such as food, housing, course materials, technology, health care, and child care).” Allegany College of Maryland (ACM) is charged with distributing these emergency cash grants to our college students whose “lives and education were disrupted” by the coronavirus as quickly as possible. ED released additional guidance for awarding these emergency grants, stating that only students who are or could be eligible to participate in programs under Section 484 of the Title IV Higher Education Act of 1965 can receive these funds. ACM will make awards to students under the award name “COVID.”

    ACM signed and returned to the Department of Education the required Certification and Agreement document on April 14, 2020, which is the initial step to receiving these funds.
  • Criteria to Determine Awards to Student
  1. ACM students took their scheduled spring break March 9 through 13, during which time the decision was made to extend that break until March 20. Beginning March 23, 2020, all ACM classes moved to 100% on-line learning and remained in that vein for the remainder of the spring semester. Every ACM student who was not already 100% on-line was immediately faced with hardships because of the disruption of ACM campus services – increased technology issues, additional course materials due to moving
    on-line, increased household utility expenses, increased food expenses, and changes in childcare and health needs. Based on this and ED’s statement to award these emergency grants to Title IV eligible applicants, ACM elects to consider all recipients for this funding who meet the following criteria:

    1. Student completed the FAFSA for 2019-2020 as of May 1, 2020.

    2. Student has been awarded any type of Title IV funds (and having been awarded, meets all the remaining Title IV eligibility criteria), even if the student declined to accept the award.

    3. Student is enrolled for at least one credit hour as of March 13, 2020, removing credits that are currently marked as “audit” and removing credits that were dropped before March 13, 2020.

    4. Student is not enrolled in 100% of credits on-line before March 13, 2020.

    5. Student is not enrolled as “early college.”

    6. Student is currently not in termination status for Title IV financial aid.

  • Amount of Award to Students
  • Awards to students will be categorized according to total credits for the spring 2020 semester, realizing that more credits require more utilities, more resources, more time away from children, etc. There will be three (3) credit tiers: Tier 1 - 1 to 5 credits; Tier 2 - 6 to 11 credits; and Tier 3 - 12 or more credits. Based on the current eligible applicant report for this award provided by the Office of Institutional Research, the average credit hours for Tier 1 is 3; the average credit hours for Tier 2 is 9; and the average credit hours for Tier 3 is 14.

    ACM wishes to grant students this emergency award in relation to the number of weeks remaining in the semester that were moved to on-line, which is seven (7) weeks. Using the in-county tuition rate of $125 per credit hour divided by 15 weeks in the semester times 7 weeks on-line, we will award $58 to each credit tier.

    The criteria to determine the award gives the following information:

    1. There are 1,100 eligible students to award.

    2. Tier 1 has 38 students.

    3. Tier 2 has 399 students.

    4. Tier 3 has 663 students.

1 3 $174 38 $6,612
2 9 $522 399 $208,278
3 14 $812 664 $539,168
TOTAL     1101 $754,058


  • Instructions and Communications to Students

All eligible students will first receive the letter shown below at their home address:

May 1, 2020


Dear “Student Name”,

   At Allegany College of Maryland, we are dedicated to providing the resources you need to be successful. To directly show our support during these challenging times, the College will be sending you an emergency assistance check. You must accept these funds through WebAdvisor by June 1, 2020 to receive your check.

   President Trump signed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) into law on March 27, 2020. We have been tasked by the U.S. Department of Education to award emergency funds to our students to help with expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to the coronavirus outbreak. Following the federal guidelines of the CARES Act, funds will be distributed to every student who was deemed eligible by the United States Department of Education. Eligibility includes students who were awarded Title IV funds (federally funded financial aid) and who have at least one course credit that was not online at the start of the spring semester. You are receiving this emergency funding because you meet the above criteria and were enrolled in classes at ACM as of March 14, 2020.

How to accept your award:

  • Log in to WebAdvisor
  • Go to Financial Aid
  • Go to "My Awards"
  • Select Award Year 2019-20
  • Complete the Award Certification
  • Accept Your Award

   In accepting your award, you certify that you have incurred expenses at least equal to the amount of this award that are as a direct result of the disruption of campus operations due to COVID-19; and that your expenses were in one or more of these areas: food, housing, course materials, technology, health care, and/or child care.

   We are working to get this relief money into your hands as quickly as possible. When your check is ready to be mailed, you will receive an email notification in your student email account.

  If you have any questions, please reach out to us at I wish you the best and pray that you and your family are safe and well.

Cynthia S. Bambara

 Students are directed to their WebAdvisor account to officially certify that they meet the conditions to accept the award and then must officially accept it. Following is the statement of Conditions for Accepting this Award:

   “By accepting this award, I certify that I have incurred expenses at least equal to the amount of this award that are a direct result of the disruption of campus operations due to COVID-19; and I certify that my expenses were in one or more of these areas: food, housing, course materials, technology, health care, and/or child care.”

   Eligible students who do not accept their award by June 1 will then receive an email to their ACM Student Email account as a reminder to accept the award:

President Trump signed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) into law on March 27, 2020. We have been tasked by the U.S. Department of Education to award emergency funds to our students to help with expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to the coronavirus outbreak. Following the federal guidelines of the CARES Act, funds will be distributed to every student who was deemed eligible by the United States Department of Education. Eligibility includes students who were awarded Title IV funds (federally funded financial aid) and who have at least one course credit that was not online at the start of the spring semester. You are receiving this emergency funding because you meet the above criteria and were enrolled in classes at ACM as of March 14, 2020. You must accept these funds through WebAdvisor immediately to receive your check.

How to accept your award:

  • Log in to WebAdvisor
  • Go to Financial Aid
  • Go to "My Awards"
  • Select Award Year 2019-20
  • Complete the Award Certification
  • Accept Your Award

In accepting your award, you certify that you have incurred expenses at least equal to the amount of this award that are as a direct result of the disruption of campus operations due to COVID-19; and that your expenses were in one or more of these areas: food, housing, course materials, technology, health care, and/or child care.

   Upon receipt of the signed acceptance of the award, payments will be paid to students and the emergency grant award will be mailed in the form of an ACM check to the student’s home address. The student will also receive an email confirmation on the day the check is mailed. Below is the email notice of the mailed check:


A financial aid payment from the CARES ACT has been made to you and a check has been
mailed to your home address.

Student Financial Aid Office
Allegany College of Maryland
12401 Willowbrook Road, SE
Cumberland, MD 21502-2596

  • Administrative Process to Distribute Funds to Students
  • ACM will use their FAMS (Ellucian’s Colleague) to award and disburse the CARES Act grants. The Director of Accounting will set up a special Accounts Receivable code called “CV” which will allow the award to be disbursed in full without passing through the outstanding balances form. The Director of Student Financial Aid will create a special award code called “COVID.” The Office of Institutional Research will provide a spreadsheet of eligible students, including their ACM Student ID and eligible credit hours to the Director of Student Financial Aid. The Director of Student Financial Aid will calculate the correct award for each student and add the award to the AIDE form for each eligible applicant with a status of “Pending.” Once the student officially accepts the award, the status will turn to “Accepted” and paid through the normal Financial Aid Transmittal procedure on a weekly basis.
  • Conclusion
  • It is the goal of Allegany College of Maryland to as quickly as possible get these emergency grant funds into the hands of our students. We realize not all students will be able to certify that they meet the conditions to accept this award; and therefore, we will use those remaining funds to assist students during the summer 2020 semester who have expenses related to the disruption of ACM campus operations. As of the first revised date of this document, a total of 901 students have received their CARES Act funds, totaling $682,982.00.
  • Update 5.26.20

  Students who had not yet accepted their award on May 26, 2020 were sent the reminder email below through the Communications Management system of Colleague.  The email document name is FAECORE (Financial Aid Email COVID Award Reminder).  140 students received this email.  The Director of Student Financial Aid sent the email and maintains the list of students who received it.  A confirmation was received that all 140 emails were sent successfully.

Dear @LR.FIRST.NAME ,                          

You should have received a letter at your home address around May 1, 2020 stating you were awarded a federal grant from President Trump's CARES Act law.  This letter stated you have until June 1, 2020 to officially confirm COVID-19 expenses and accept the award. This email is a reminder to accept your award before June 1.

You are receiving this award because you were awarded Title IV funds (federally funded financial aid) for the spring 2020 semester and had at least one course credit that was not online at the start of the spring term. 

How to Accept your Award: 

  • Log in to WebAdvisor
  • Go to Financial Aid
  • Go to "My Awards"
  • Select Award Year 2019-20
  • Complete the Award Certification
  • Accept Your Award

In accepting your award, you certify that you have incurred expenses at least equal to the amount of this award that are as a direct result of the disruption of campus operations due to COVID-19; and that your expenses were in one or more of these areas: food, housing, course materials, technology, health care, and/or childcare.

Cynthia S. Bambara
Allegany College of Maryland


As of May 26, 2020, one student declined to receive the award, stating no additional expenses. The award was cancelled.

  • Update 6.19.20

 As if 6.19.20, 1,020 students have accepted the award and have been paid, totaling $700,292. A total of 2 students have now declined the award and they have been deleted. Senior Administration agreed to make one final attempt to contact students who still had not accepted their award.  Calls were made to 93 individual students on 6.10.20 giving each student instructions on how to accept the award and a final deadline date for acceptance of 6.15.20. Here is the script for those phone calls.

Phone call to students identified by Arthur/Vicki who did not accept/decline CARES ACT Funding.


  1. Hello, I’m XXXXXXX from Allegany College of Maryland. I’m calling to see if XXXXXX would be available.
  2. Hello XXXXX. I am calling as a follow up to a letter and emails that were sent to you from Allegany College of Maryland regarding CARES ACT funding that you are eligible to receive.
  3. It is a simple process to accept these funds through WebAdvisor and we request that you do this by June 15, 2020. You must follow the following steps:
    • Log in to WebAdvisor
    • Go to Financial Aid
    • Go to “My Awards”
    • Select Award Year 2019-20
    • Complete the Award Certification
    • Accept Your Award
  4. If you can’t log into Web Advisor, please feel free to call the ACM helpdesk and they would be glad to provide your credentials:
    (301) 784-5444

  5. While you are on the phone, I noticed that you have not registered for fall. We value our students and care about you and your future. Can I help guide you to the Advising Center to assist you with this process? We would love to see you back at ACM this fall.
  6. Key numbers in case students have questions:
    a.     Financial Aid:
    b.     Business Office:
    c.     Housing:
    d.     Advising Center:

General Info:

What is the CARES Act?

President Trump signed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) into law on March 27, 2020. The CARES Act includes $2 trillion emergency economic relief package that seeks to stem the economic fallout from the coronavirus pandemic.  The CARES Act includes help for students and colleges and universities. 

In accepting your award, you certify that you have incurred expenses at least equal to the amount of this award that are as a direct result of the disruption of campus operations due to COVID-19; and that your expenses were in one or more of these areas: food, housing, course materials, technology, health care, and/or childcare.

Why did I get a letter about CARES Act Funding?

You are among the eligible ACM students to receive an emergency assistance check.

Following the federal guidelines of the CARES Act, funds will be distributed to every student who was deemed eligible by the United States Department of Education. Eligibility includes students who were awarded Title IV funds (federally funded financial aid) and who have at least one course credit that was not online at the start of the spring semester.  Students who meet the eligibility requirements will receive this emergency funding because they meet the above criteria and were enrolled in classes at ACM as of March 14, 2020.

What do I need to do next?

Eligible students must accept these funds through WebAdvisor by June 15, 2020 to receive your check.  To accept the CARES Act Funding, students must follow the following steps:

  • Log in to WebAdvisor 
  • Go to Financial Aid
  • Go to “My Awards”      
  • Select Award Year 2019-20
  • Complete the Award Certification
  • Accept Your Award

In accepting your award, you certify that you have incurred expenses at least equal to the amount of this award that are as a direct result of the disruption of campus operations due to COVID-19; and that your expenses were in one or more of these areas: food, housing, course materials, technology, health care, and/or child care.

 On 6.16.20, 81 students still had not accepted the 1st round awards and those awards, totaling $52,432, were deleted, in accordance with direction from Senior Administration.  The list of student IDs for this deletion is saved in Colleague until name COVID.DELETE.061920.  For our final first round of recipients, we have 1,020 students paid an emergency CARES Act grant totaling $700,292. 

 In order to spend 100% of the CARES Act emergency grant fund to students, ACM must spend an additional $46,791.00.

 Senior Administration agreed on the 2ND round of recipients to award and Vicki Smith, Director of Student Financial Aid, requested the report:

  1. Student completed the FAFSA for 2019-2020 as of May 1, 2020.
  2. Student has not been awarded any type of Title IV funds because the student did not complete the verification/file complete process.
  3. Student has a calculated EFC on the FAFSA result with NO Reject Codes and NO SAR C Flags.
  4. Student is enrolled for at least one credit hour as of March 13, 2020, removing credits that are currently marked as “audit” and removing credits that were dropped before March 13, 2020.
  5. Student is not enrolled in 100% of credits on-line before March 13, 2020.
  6. Student is not enrolled as “early college.”
  7. Student is currently not in termination status for Title VI financial aid.
  • Update 7.9.20

On 7.9.20, 46 students were awarded in the 2nd round of CARES Act Emergency Grants to students, totaling $27144.

1 3 $174 6 $1,044
2 9 $522 22 $11,484
3 14 $812 18 $14,616
TOTAL     46 $27,144

 The Director of Student Financial Aid Programs created SAVEDLISTS in Colleague to award each group and to send each student a letter of award. Letters were mailed on 7.9.20. Because the students in the 2nd round did not have complete folders, the certification and acceptance procedures required modification. The letter mailed to each student indicated the award amount, contained the Award Certification Statement, and gave directions to email Vicki Smith directly to confirm the incurred expenses due to COVID-19 and to accept the award. The deadline date to accept the award is 7.20.20.

 Sample letters for each tier are below.

July 9, 2020

Dear <<FirstName>>,

 At Allegany College of Maryland, we are dedicated to providing the resources you need to be successful. To directly show our support during these challenging times, the College will be sending you an emergency assistance check. You must accept this award of $174 by JULY 20, 2020 to receive your check.

President Trump signed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) into law on March 27, 2020. We have been tasked by the U.S. Department of Education to award emergency funds to our students to help with expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to the coronavirus outbreak. Following the federal guidelines of the CARES Act, funds will be distributed to every student who was deemed eligible by the United States Department of Education. Eligibility includes students who were awarded Title IV funds (federally funded financial aid) and who have at least one course credit that was not online at the start of the spring semester. You are receiving this emergency funding because you meet the above criteria and were enrolled in classes at ACM as of March 14, 2020.

How to Accept your Award:

  • Read the below “Award Certification Statement”   
  • If you agree with the statement, send an email to
  • In the body of the email, simply state “I AGREE” and add your name and ACM Student ID     
  • Send the email


“In accepting this award, I certify that I have incurred expenses at least equal to the amount of $174 that are as a direct result of the disruption of campus operations due to COVID-19; and that my expenses were in one or more of these areas: food, housing, course materials, technology, health care, and/or child care.”

We are working to get this relief money into your hands as quickly as possible. When your check is ready to be mailed, it will be mailed to your home address and you will receive an email notification in your student email account.  If you have any questions, please reach out to us at .  I wish you the best and pray that you and your family are safe and well.

Cynthia S. Bambara
Allegany College of Maryland


July 9, 2020

Dear <<FirstName>>,

 At Allegany College of Maryland, we are dedicated to providing the resources you need to be successful. To directly show our support during these challenging times, the College will be sending you an emergency assistance check. You must accept this award of $522 by JULY 20, 2020 to receive your check. 

President Trump signed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) into law on March 27, 2020. We have been tasked by the U.S. Department of Education to award emergency funds to our students to help with expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to the coronavirus outbreak. Following the federal guidelines of the CARES Act, funds will be distributed to every student who was deemed eligible by the United States Department of Education. Eligibility includes students who were awarded Title IV funds (federally funded financial aid) and who have at least one course credit that was not online at the start of the spring semester. You are receiving this emergency funding because you meet the above criteria and were enrolled in classes at ACM as of March 14, 2020.

How to Accept your Award:

  • Read the below “Award Certification Statement”   
  • If you agree with the statement, send an email to
  • In the body of the email, simply state “I AGREE” and add your name and ACM Student ID     
  • Send the email


“In accepting this award, I certify that I have incurred expenses at least equal to the amount of $522 that are as a direct result of the disruption of campus operations due to COVID-19; and that my expenses were in one or more of these areas: food, housing, course materials, technology, health care, and/or child care.”

We are working to get this relief money into your hands as quickly as possible. When your check is ready to be mailed, it will be mailed to your home address and you will receive an email notification in your student email account.  If you have any questions, please reach out to us at .  I wish you the best and pray that you and your family are safe and well.

Cynthia S. Bambara
Allegany College of Maryland


July 9, 2020

Dear <<FirstName>>,

 At Allegany College of Maryland, we are dedicated to providing the resources you need to be successful. To directly show our support during these challenging times, the College will be sending you an emergency assistance check. You must accept this award of $812 by JULY 20, 2020 to receive your check. 

President Trump signed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) into law on March 27, 2020. We have been tasked by the U.S. Department of Education to award emergency funds to our students to help with expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to the coronavirus outbreak. Following the federal guidelines of the CARES Act, funds will be distributed to every student who was deemed eligible by the United States Department of Education. Eligibility includes students who were awarded Title IV funds (federally funded financial aid) and who have at least one course credit that was not online at the start of the spring semester. You are receiving this emergency funding because you meet the above criteria and were enrolled in classes at ACM as of March 14, 2020.

How to Accept your Award:

  • Read the below “Award Certification Statement”   
  • If you agree with the statement, send an email to
  • In the body of the email, simply state “I AGREE” and add your name and ACM Student ID     
  • Send the email


“In accepting this award, I certify that I have incurred expenses at least equal to the amount of $812 that are as a direct result of the disruption of campus operations due to COVID-19; and that my expenses were in one or more of these areas: food, housing, course materials, technology, health care, and/or child care.”

We are working to get this relief money into your hands as quickly as possible. When your check is ready to be mailed, it will be mailed to your home address and you will receive an email notification in your student email account.  If you have any questions, please reach out to us at  I wish you the best and pray that you and your family are safe and well.

Cynthia S. Bambara
Allegany College of Maryland

  • Update 8.26.20

 As of 7.22.20, 40 of the 46 students from the Spring 2020 had accepted their award and were paid a total of $23432.  There were 6 students that did not respond; and therefore, their awards were deleted.

 Allegany College of Maryland was required to spend $747,083 in CARES Act Emergency Awards to students.  To date, we spent $723,724.  Senior Administration made the decision to award the 3rd round of money to our Summer 2020 enrollees who meant the following criteria:

  • Registered for the summer term
  • Include total credits enrolled, not including courses that were audited or dropped as of 7.20.20
  • No early college students will be awarded
  • Financial Aid file must be verified and awarded and student cannot be in a termination status
  • Student must be in an eligible TIV program of study
  • Eliminated any student who received an award during the Spring 2020 term

 The Office of Institutional Research produced a list for the summer of 364 students.  195 received an award during the spring term and were deleted.  Award letters were sent to 169 students enrolled for the summer term based on the following tiered schedule of using average credits paid at $35 per credit hour:

1 3 $105 78 $8,190
2 9 $210 80 $16,800
3 12 $420 11 $4,620
TOTAL     169 $29,610


The Director of Student Financial Aid Programs created SAVEDLISTS in Colleague to award each group and to send each student a letter of award. Letters were mailed on 7.29.20.  The letter mailed to each student indicated the award amount, contained the Award Certification Statement, and gave directions to email Vicki Smith directly to confirm the incurred expenses due to COVID-19 and to accept the award.  Vicki Smith will maintain copies of each student’s certification statement in the COVID file.  The deadline date to accept the award is 8.15.20.    Students who had not accepted their award by August 3 were sent an email reminder to accept the award immediately.

Sample letters for each tier are below.

July 29, 2020

Dear <<FirstName>>,

At Allegany College of Maryland, we are dedicated to providing the resources you need to be successful. To directly show our support during these challenging times, the College will be sending you an emergency assistance check. You must accept this award of $105 by AUGUST 15, 2020 to receive your check.  

President Trump signed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) into law on March 27, 2020. We have been tasked by the U.S. Department of Education to award emergency funds to our students to help with expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to the coronavirus outbreak. Following the federal guidelines of the CARES Act, funds will be distributed to every student who was deemed eligible by the United States Department of Education. Eligibility includes students who were awarded Title IV funds (federally funded financial aid) for the summer 2020 term and who were enrolled for at least one credit.  You are receiving this emergency funding because you meet the above criteria and were enrolled in classes at ACM as of July 9, 2020.

How to Accept your Award:

  • Read the below “Award Certification Statement”   
  • If you agree with the statement, send an email to
  • In the body of the email, simply state “I AGREE” and add your name and ACM Student ID     
  • Send the email


“In accepting this award, I certify that I have incurred expenses at least equal to the amount of $174 that are as a direct result of the disruption of campus operations due to COVID-19; and that my expenses were in one or more of these areas: food, housing, course materials, technology, health care, and/or child care.”

We are working to get this relief money into your hands as quickly as possible. When your check is ready to be mailed, it will be mailed to your home address and you will receive an email notification in your student email account.  If you have any questions, please reach out to us at .  I wish you the best and pray that you and your family are safe and well.

Cynthia S. Bambara
Allegany College of Maryland


July 29, 2020

Dear <<FirstName>>,

 At Allegany College of Maryland, we are dedicated to providing the resources you need to be successful. To directly show our support during these challenging times, the College will be sending you an emergency assistance check. You must accept this award of $210 by AUGUST 15, 2020 to receive your check. 

President Trump signed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) into law on March 27, 2020. We have been tasked by the U.S. Department of Education to award emergency funds to our students to help with expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to the coronavirus outbreak. Following the federal guidelines of the CARES Act, funds will be distributed to every student who was deemed eligible by the United States Department of Education. Eligibility includes students who were awarded Title IV funds (federally funded financial aid) for the summer 2020 term and who were enrolled for at least one credit.  You are receiving this emergency funding because you meet the above criteria and were enrolled in classes at ACM as of July 9, 2020.

How to Accept your Award:

  • Read the below “Award Certification Statement”   
  • If you agree with the statement, send an email to
  • In the body of the email, simply state “I AGREE” and add your name and ACM Student ID     
  • Send the email


“In accepting this award, I certify that I have incurred expenses at least equal to the amount of $522 that are as a direct result of the disruption of campus operations due to COVID-19; and that my expenses were in one or more of these areas: food, housing, course materials, technology, health care, and/or child care.”

We are working to get this relief money into your hands as quickly as possible. When your check is ready to be mailed, it will be mailed to your home address and you will receive an email notification in your student email account.  If you have any questions, please reach out to us at .  I wish you the best and pray that you and your family are safe and well.

Cynthia S. Bambara
Allegany College of Maryland


July 29, 2020

Dear <<FirstName>>,

 At Allegany College of Maryland, we are dedicated to providing the resources you need to be successful. To directly show our support during these challenging times, the College will be sending you an emergency assistance check. You must accept this award of $420 by AUGUST 15, 2020 to receive your check. 

President Trump signed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) into law on March 27, 2020. We have been tasked by the U.S. Department of Education to award emergency funds to our students to help with expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to the coronavirus outbreak. Following the federal guidelines of the CARES Act, funds will be distributed to every student who was deemed eligible by the United States Department of Education. Eligibility includes students who were awarded Title IV funds (federally funded financial aid) for the summer 2020 term and who were enrolled for at least one credit.  You are receiving this emergency funding because you meet the above criteria and were enrolled in classes at ACM as of July 9, 2020.

How to Accept your Award:

  • Read the below “Award Certification Statement”   
  • If you agree with the statement, send an email to
  • In the body of the email, simply state “I AGREE” and add your name and ACM Student ID     
  • Send the email


“In accepting this award, I certify that I have incurred expenses at least equal to the amount of $812 that are as a direct result of the disruption of campus operations due to COVID-19; and that my expenses were in one or more of these areas: food, housing, course materials, technology, health care, and/or child care.”

We are working to get this relief money into your hands as quickly as possible. When your check is ready to be mailed, it will be mailed to your home address and you will receive an email notification in your student email account.  If you have any questions, please reach out to us at  I wish you the best and pray that you and your family are safe and well.

Cynthia S. Bambara
Allegany College of Maryland

 As of 8.20.20, 20 of the 169 students had not accepted the award; and therefore, the awards for these 20 students were deleted.  15 students accepted the award on WebAdvisor, but did not complete the Certification Statement.  Emails were sent directly to these 15 students on 8.20.20, giving them until 8.24.20 to complete the Certification Statement.  On 8.25.20, 2 additional student awards were deleted due to non-certification.  The 3rd round final numbers are 147 students paid a total of $26460.

  • Report Complete - 8.26.20

As part of President Trump’s Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act), which includes the Education Stabilization Fund, Allegany College of Maryland (ACM) needed to spend $747,083 in emergency grant awards to students.  $723724 was disbursed to students during the Spring 2020 term and $26460 was disbursed to students during the Summer 2020 term, for a total of $750184.  ACM spent more than the 50% share of the award by $3101.  Therefore, Senior Administration will be transferring $3101 from the CARES Act Institutional share to the CARES Act Student Emergency fund.  Awarding and disbursing is now complete. For the 2019-20 academic year, ACM received 3,569 ISIRs (FAFSA results); and a total of 1,205 students received an emergency award from the CARES Act.

This serves as the final report/notice for the emergency CARES Act awards for students.

  • Background
  1. The Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund II (HEERF II) is authorized by the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2021 (CRRSAA), Public Law 116-260 and was signed into law by Former President Donald J. Trump on December 27, 2020.  CRRSAA authorized $81.88 billion to support education, of which $21.2 billion is available to higher education institutions to ensure learning continues for students during the COVID-19 pandemic.  The allocations to institutions of higher education (IHE) are calculated based on three formula factors:

    1. 75% of the funds will be awarded to IHEs based on each IHE’s relative share of enrollment of Federal Pell Grant recipients who were not enrolled exclusively in distance education courses prior to the coronavirus emergency, split evenly between total (i.e., headcount) enrollment and full-time equivalent (FTE) enrollment;

    2. 23% of the funds will be awarded to IHEs based on each IHE’s relative share of enrollment of students who were not Federal Pell Grant recipients and who were not enrolled exclusively in distance education courses prior to the coronavirus emergency, split evenly between total enrollment and FTE enrollment; and

    3. 2% of the funds will be awarded to IHEs based on each IHE’s relative share of enrollment of Federal Pell Grant recipients who were enrolled exclusively in distance education courses prior to the coronavirus emergency, split evenly between total enrollment and FTE enrollment.

    As such, Allegany College of Maryland (ACM) was awarded $747,083 to be used as emergency grants awards to students.  Respectively called CRRSAA or HEERF II, these funds are to be prioritized to students “demonstrating exceptional financial need, such as those who receive Pell Grants.”  For this round of HEERF monies, students DO NOT have to self-certify they had any additional expenses related to COVID or to the disruption of educational services at ACM. ACM intends to disburse 100% of these emergency grant funds to students.

    ACM has signed and returned to the Department of Education the required documents for this award and has developed an awarding policy, as described below.

  • Criteria to Determine Awards to Student
  1. For the spring 2021 semester, all students have been affected/impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.  At ACM, the spring schedule of classes was modified to an alternating schedule, where the class is divided into two groups.  Group 1 will learn in an ACM classroom for one class period, while Group 2 watches the course livestreamed.  The next time the class meets, the rotation is flipped.  As a result of this, all students were required to have access to internet connection, as well as find a laptop or other device capable of livestreaming platforms.  

    As a result of this schedule set up, ACM elects to consider all students for a HEERF II award.  Since the Department of Education states that we are to give priority to students demonstrating exceptional need, ACM will first award all its Federal Pell Grant eligible students.  Should there be HEERF II funds remaining, ACM will then award students who completed a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid), but who were not Federal Pell Grant eligible.  Finally, if funds still remain, ACM will award all remaining students not awarded in the above two categories who complete a self-certification of COVID-19 related expenses or extenuating circumstances.

    All students must meet the following additional criteria to be awarded:


    1. Student must be enrolled for the spring 2021 semester for at least one credit.

    2. Student cannot be designated as “early college.”

    3. Student cannot be designated as “international student.”

    4. Student cannot be designated as “non-degree.”

    5. Student cannot be designated as DACA student.


  • Award Amounts to Students
  • Awards to students will be categorized according to total credits registered for the spring 2021 semester as of 2.11.21.  There will be three (3) credit tiers created, with an average credit hour calculated per tier.  Tier 1 is for students registered from 1 to 5 credits; Tier 2 is for students registered from 6 to 11 credits; and Tier 3 is for students registered 12 or more credits.  Based on the report received from the Office of Institutional Research on 2.11.21, there are 1,571 enrolled students for the spring term who meet the criteria listed above.

    1. 792 are Pell Grant eligible

    2. 495 filed the FAFSA, but are not Pell Grant eligible

    3. 282 did not file the FAFSA

    Using 3 Tiers and average credit hour load per tier:

1 to 5 Credits Average Load - 3.33 $50 per credit $150
6 to 11 Credits Average Load - 8.42 $50 per credit $400
12 and Over Credits Average Load - 13.68 $50 per credit $700


  • Total money needed to award all Pell eligible students:  $420,850
  • Total money needed to award FAFSA filers who are not Pell eligible - $252,650
  • Total money needed to award to all other students - $114,550
  • Total money needed to award all students:  $788,050

    As ACM was only awarded $747,083, any additional funds needed to complete this awarding policy will be transferred from the Institutional portion of the HEERF II Act funds.


  • Instructions and Communications to Students

All students who are eligible for a Federal Pell Grant will first receive the letter shown below at their home address on March 1, 2021.

March 4, 2021






Dear «FirstName»,

    At Allegany College of Maryland, we are dedicated to providing the resources you need to be successful. To directly show our support during these challenging times, the College will be sending you an emergency assistance check. You must accept these funds through WebAdvisor by March 15, 2021.    

    The Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund II (HEERF II) is authorized by the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2021 (CRRSAA), which was signed into law by Former President Donald J. Trump on Dec. 27, 2020.  This act provides emergency grant awards to students in higher education to ensure learning continues for students during the COVID-19 pandemic.  

    We have been tasked by the U.S. Department of Education to award these emergency funds to students who show exceptional need.  Following the guidelines of the HEERF II Act, funds will first be distributed to students who are eligible for a Federal Pell Grant and who are registered for the Spring 2021 semester for at least one credit.  You are receiving this emergency funding because you meet this criteria.  When your check is ready to be mailed, you will receive an email in your ACM email account.

How to accept your award:

  • Log in to WebAdvisor and select Financial Aid         
  • Select Award Year 2020-21 and then select Financial Aid in the Heading Bar         
  • Select My Awards and find the HEERF II Award        
  • Click on the Accept or Decline Link and then Accept Your Award
  • Ø  Complete the Certification Statement

  In accepting your award, you certify that you have incurred expenses at least equal to the amount of this award that are as a direct result of COVID-19 and are in one or more of these areas:  college tuition, fees, or books; food, housing, course materials, technology, health care, transportation, and/or childcare; or that you or your parent has had lost wages or exceptional circumstances due to COVID-19. If you have any questions, please reach out to us at I wish you the best and pray that you and your family are safe and well.

Cynthia S. Bambara

Students are directed to their WebAdvisor account to officially certify that they meet the conditions to accept the award and then must officially accept it.  Following is the statement of Conditions for Accepting this award:

“In accepting your award, you certify that you have incurred expenses at least equal to the amount of this award that are as a direct result of COVID-19 and are in one or more of these areas:  college tuition, fees, or books; food, housing, course materials, technology, health care, transportation, and/or childcare; or that you or your parent has had lost wages or exceptional circumstances due to COVID-19.”

An email follow-up will be sent to students who have not accepted the award by March 12, 2021, a copy of which is below.  The email contains a link to a detailed instruction sheet on how to accept the award.  This document, along with a Q and A document, has been posted to the ACM Webpage under the HEERF II Award page.

Dear <Student First Name>,

You should have received a letter at your home address around March 1, 2021, stating you were awarded a federal grant from President Trump's HEERF II Act law. This letter stated you have until March 15, 2021 to officially accept the award. This email is a reminder to accept your award before March 15.

You are receiving this award because you meet the criteria to receive the award according to the federal government guidelines.

How to accept your award:

  • Log in to WebADvisor
  • Go to Financial Aid
  • Select Award Year 2020-21 and click on "Financial Aid" in the Heading Bar
  • Select My Awards and find the HEERF II Award
  • Click on the link Accept or Decline
  • Accept Your Award and complete the Certification

In accepting your award, you certify that you have incurred expenses at least equal to the amount of this award that are as a direct result of COVID-19 and are in one or more of these areas: tuition, fees, or books; food, housing, course materials, technology, health care, transportation, and/or child care; or that you or your parent has had lost wages or exceptional circumstances due to COVID-19.

For detailed instructions on how to accept your award, please click HERE.

Cynthia S. Bambara
Allegany College of Maryland

  • Administrative Process to Distribute Funds to Students
  • ACM will use their FAMS (Ellucian’s Colleague) to award and disburse the HEERF II Act grants.  The Director of Accounting will set up a special Accounts Receivable code called “HE” which will allow the award to be disbursed in full without passing through the outstanding balances form.  The Director of Student Financial Aid will create a special award code called “HEERF.”  The Office of Institutional Research will provide a spreadsheet of eligible students, including their ACM Student ID and eligible credit hours, to the Director of Student Financial Aid, who will then calculate the correct award amount for each student and add the award to the AIDE form for each eligible applicant with a status of “Pending.”  Once the student officially accepts the award and confirms agreement of the certification statement, the status will turn to “Accepted” and the student will be paid through the normal Financial Aid Transmittal procedure on a weekly basis.

    The Director of Student Financial Aid will run a report daily to find the students who have accepted their award in WebAdvisor and completed the certification statement so that payment can be made to them.  Payment will result in an ACM check being printed and mailed to the home address of the student.  The student will also receive an email notification on the day the check is mailed.

    Dear FIRST.NAME,

    A financial aid payment from the HEERF II ACT has been made to you and a check has been mailed to your home address.

    Student Financial Aid Office 

    Allegany College of Maryland 

    12401 Willowbrook Road, SE 

    Cumberland, MD 21502-2596 

  • Conclusion
  • It is the goal of Allegany College of Maryland to get these emergency grant funds into the hands of our students as quickly as possible.  We realize not all students may accept the HEERF II Act award; and therefore, we may have remaining funds.  At the point that all students awarded have been paid, the Director of Student Financial Aid Programs will work with Senior Administration to determine the awarding principles and procedures for these leftover funds.  This report will be updated on at least a monthly basis to show student awards paid to date.
  • Update 3.25.21

All Pell Grant eligible students were awarded and notified on March 8, 2021; and students in the other two groups were awarded and notified on March 15, 2021.  Total students awarded is 1,569.  As of this date, funds totaling $710,400.00 have been disbursed to 1,390 students.  Six (6) students have declined the award. 

The remaining 167 students have yet to accept their award.  This group was sent a reminder text on March 19, of which a sample is below.

“DON’T MISS OUT! Final reminder to accept your HEERF-COVID Grant by March 22.  Check your ACM Email account or call the Student Financial Aid Office for details on how to accept this award.”

In order to spend the entire award amount, the deadline to accept the award was moved back to April 1, 2021; and an email stating this and reminding these students to accept their award was sent on 3.25.21.  A copy of the email is below.

Dear <Student Name>,

You should have received a letter at your home address around March 8, 2021, stating you were awarded a federal grant from President Trump's HEERF II Act law DUE TO COVID-19. This letter stated you have until March 22, 2021 to officially accept the award. This email is a NOTICE THAT WE ARE EXTENDING THAT DEADLINE TO APRIL 1, 2021.  

You are receiving this award because you meet the criteria to receive the award according to the federal government guidelines.

In accepting your award, you certify that you have incurred expenses at least equal to the amount of this award that are as a direct result of COVID-19 and are in one or more of these areas: tuition, fees, or books; food, housing, course materials, technology, health care, transportation, and/or child care; or that you or your parent has had lost wages or exceptional circumstances due to COVID-19.

HOW TO ACCEPT YOUR AWARD - Reply to this email with the following: I agree with the certification statement and wish to accept my award.

After the Student Financial Aid Office receives your email, you will be paid within 2 weeks.

Student Financial Aid Office

  • Update 5.4.21

As of May 4, 2021, ACM has disbursed $740,050 to 1,456 students during the Spring 2021 semester.  A total of 107 students have not yet acknowledged receipt of their award.  These students were sent a final text message on May 4, giving them 7 days to acknowledge the award.  After that time, the awards will be deleted from their account.

Report Complete HEERF II - 5.25.21

As part of the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund II (HEERF II), authorized by the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2021 (CRRSAA), Public Law 116-260, Allegany College of Maryland (ACM) needed to disburse $747,083 in emergency grants to students.  $740,050 was disbursed to 1,456 students during the Spring 2021 semester.  6 students declined the award; and 107 students never acknowledged the award, and therefore, their award was deleted.  Senior Administration agreed to move the remaining $7,033 to the Summer 2021 semester to be awarded to students displaying exceptional financial need. For the 2020-21 academic year, ACM received 3,491 ISIRs (FAFSA results). 

It was decided by Senior Administration to create an on-line application form for the summer term which asked students to specifically state their exceptional need or exceptional circumstances as a direct result of the COVID-19 pandemic.  Students would be asked to complete and submit the application to the Student Financial Aid Office for consideration.  The application was made available on the ACM Webpage at  and emails and texts were sent to all students registered for the spring and summer 2021 terms.  An email was also sent to all ACM Faculty and Staff directing students in need to this application.  The application is below.



Allegany College of Maryland is committed to supporting student success and wishes to provide emergency financial aid grants/scholarships to students whose lives have been impacted or disrupted by the COVID-19 crisis.  For the Summer 2021 semester, grants are being funded by the federal government through the Higher Education Relief Fund (HEERF) II. Awards will be made until the funds are exhausted.

The main criterion for this grant is the demonstration of an exceptional need related to COVID in some way.  You must have completed a 2021-2022 FAFSA. This is a grant; and therefore, NOT DOES NEED TO BE REPAID.

Students experiencing ongoing challenges with financing their educational costs should contact the ACM Financial Aid Office.

Student Name: ___________________________________________________ Student ID: _______________________________

  1. How has COVID-19 affected your or your parents/spouse work status?
  2. How has COVID-19 affected your ability to learn/study?
  3. How will this money help you through this emergency?
  4. What emergency expense and its monetary value do you currently have related to the disruption of campus operations due to the coronavirus? (Some examples are:  loss of employment, food insecurity, housing disruption, lack of course materials, loss of health care, loss of child care, caring for sick family member, financial hardships)
  5. What scholarship amount do you need to be awarded to you?
  6. Is there any other information regarding your circumstances that you would like to share?
  7. If COVID-19 has significantly affected your/your family’s 2020 or 2021 income negatively, please provide comments here.
  8. I acknowledge that the above information is accurate, and I understand ACM will review it and make a determination on my eligibility.
  9. I agree to have this award applied to any unpaid balance at ACM for the Summer 2021 term INITIAL HERE:________.

As of May 10, 2021, a total of 70 applications were received and the remaining $7,033 was awarded on May 13 and disbursed on May 25, 2021.  All funds received under the CRRSAA Act are depleted.


This serves as the final report/notice for the emergency CRRSAA awards for students.


HEERF III Act Funding


  • Background
  1. The American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act of 2021, signed into law on March 11, 2021, appropriated $39.6 billion for the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF).   The ARP Act is the third stream of funding provided by the federal government to prevent, prepare for, and respond to the COVID-19 pandemic and to ensure continued learning for higher education students. 

    The allocations to institutions of higher education (IHE) are calculated based on three formula factors: 

    1. 75% of the funds will be awarded to IHEs based on each IHE’s relative share of enrollment of Federal Pell Grant recipients who were not enrolled exclusively in distance education courses prior to the coronavirus emergency, split evenly between total (i.e., headcount) enrollment and full-time equivalent (FTE) enrollment; 

    2. 23% of the funds will be awarded to IHEs based on each IHE’s relative share of enrollment of students who were not Federal Pell Grant recipients and who were not enrolled exclusively in distance education courses prior to the coronavirus emergency, split evenly between total enrollment and FTE enrollment; and

    3. 2% of the funds will be awarded to IHEs based on each IHE’s relative share of enrollment of Federal Pell Grant recipients who were enrolled exclusively in distance education courses prior to the coronavirus emergency, split evenly between total enrollment and FTE enrollment.

    As such, Allegany College of Maryland (ACM) was awarded $5,226,931, of which $2,701,400 must be used as emergency grants awards to students.  Unlike HEERF I funds, HEERF III awards do not have to relate to the disruption of campus operations due to Coronavirus.  ACM has signed and returned to the Department of Education the required documents for this award and has developed an awarding policy, as described below.
  • Criteria to Determine Awards to Student
  1. ACM is required to create an awarding policy that prioritizes awards to students who demonstrate exceptional financial need, such as those who receive Pell Grants or undergraduates with extraordinary financial circumstances.  Emergency grant awards can also be made to students and/or their families who have faced significant unexpected expenses, such as the loss of employment, reduced income, and/or food or housing insecurities

    ACM Senior Administration has agreed to the following awarding policy and will begin making these emergency grant awards to students during the fall 2021 term according to the three (3) categories here:


    1. An award will automatically be given to all Pell eligible students who are enrolled for the fall 2021 term.  Awards will be based on each student’s EFC number, residency code, and dependency status.  See Exhibit 1 below for the amount to be awarded to each category.  Since the award is being given to Pell eligible students, ACM will require a valid FAFSA result before making an award. Students who are terminated from Financial Aid will not be awarded under this option (students will be eligible to receive an award if terminated under Options 2 and 3 below).  Students who are Pell Grant eligible who have reached their 600 Pell Grant Lifetime Eligibility Usage will remain eligible for an award under this option.

    2. An award will be given to students who submit an application requesting help because they or their family had a COVID related issue and experienced a loss of income, or had emergency costs to any component of the Cost of Attendance, or faced significant unexpected expenses.  The maximum award amount will be $1,000 per semester.

    3. An award will be given to students specifically residing in Willowbook Woods (WBW) who submit an application requesting help because they or their family had a COVID related issue and experienced a loss of income, or had emergency costs to any component of the Cost of Attendance, or faced significant unexpected expenses.  ACM has elected to offer awards to this group because, if there is a COVID related issue, we know and can confirm the student has added expenses for housing.  The maximum award amount will be $1500 per semester.

    For Categories #2 and #3, an awarding team of 10 ACM staff has been formed.  The team will review the submitted applications and make determinations for awards. The application asks questions related to loss of income and the Cost of Attendance components so that the team can confirm the student meets the criteria for the award.

    The only other criteria for eligibility is that the student is enrolled for at least one credit for the fall 2021 award; and if the student receives an award for Willowbrook Woods, the student must be a confirmed resident in the housing unit.  

    The total award a student can receive will not exceed the maximum Federal Pell Grant amount of $6495.  This total does NOT include the awards made to students living in Willowbrook Woods.  

    Awards will be made until the funds are exhausted.  Any remaining funds will be awarded to students registered for the spring 2022 semester.

Allegany County Dependent 0 500
Allegany County Dependent 1 to 2900 300
Allegany County Dependent 2901 to 5846 100
Allegany County Independent 0 1000
Allegany County Independent 1 to 2900 600
Allegany County Independent 2901 to 5846 200
State Dependent 0 900
State Dependent 1 to 2900 700
State Dependent 2901 to 5846 500
State Independent 0 1800
State Independent 1 to 2900 1400
State Independent 2901 to 5846 1000
Out of State Dependent 0 1300
Out of State Dependent 1 to 2900 1100
Out of State Dependent 2901 to 5846 900
Out of State Independent 0 2600
Out of State Independent 1 to 2900 2200
Out of State Independent 2901 to 5846 1800
  • Award Amounts to Students
  • Awards to students will be made in three (3) categories:

    1. All Federal Pell Grant eligible students for the fall 2021 term - See Exhibit 1 for amounts

    2. Emergency Grant Award based on a COVID 19 Application – $200 to $1,000 per term

    3. Emergency Willowbrook Woods Award based on a COVID 19 Application – $1500 per term

    Using 3 Tiers and average credit hour load per tier:

    Total estimated money needed to award all Federal Pell eligible students:  $1,090,600
    Total estimated money for those who complete COVID 19 Application: $1,027,958
    Total estimated money for WBW students who complete COVID 19 Application:  $540,000

    Total to Spend:  $2,658,558
    ($42,842 was spent to complete summer 2021 awarding – See Final Report under HEERF II.)      


  • Instructions and Communications to Students

The following groups of students were mailed a letter of explanation on June 7, 2021: 

  • Students enrolled during the Spring, Summer, and Fall of 2020
  • Students enrolled during the Spring and Summer of 2021
  • Students who are already registered for the Fall 2021 term
  • Students who have applied to ACM during the 2021 year who have not yet registered

The Director of Student Financial Aid will continue to mail this letter of explanation to new students applying for admission to ACM throughout the Fall 2021 term.

Information about this opportunity was also posted to the ACM Website, the ACM Facebook Page, and the ACM Twitter Account.

A copy of that letter is below.


June 7, 2021






Dear «FirstName»,

   At Allegany College of Maryland, we are dedicated to providing the resources you need to be successful. We don’t want finances to be an obstacle to your success and will be providing the opportunity for you to obtain resources to support you in your educational journey from the most recently passed COVID-19 federal aid package, called the American Rescue Plan Act.

To directly show our support during these challenging times, the College will be providing financial assistance to ACM students.  A summary of the resources available is included below:

  1. Students who have completed the 2021-2022 FAFSA and who are eligible for a Federal Pell Grant will automatically receive additional funding for the fall 2021 semester

  2. Students who have experienced a personal or family hardship as a result of COVID (tuition/transportation/food/etc.) will be provided the opportunity to request additional funding.  This includes students who plan to reside in ACM’s housing complex, Willowbrook Woods.  To apply, a simple online application can be found at the following link: .

As a College, we want to ensure that you are successful and we are working to get this relief money into your hands as quickly as possible. 

Looking forward to less challenging times ahead, I wanted to share some reminders:  

If you have any questions, please reach out to us at Your continued academic success is important to us and we are here to help. I wish you the best and look forward to seeing you on campus during the fall 2021 semester.

Cynthia S. Bambara

Students in Category 1 – all Federal Pell Grant eligible students – were mailed an official letter stating the amount of their Emergency Grant Award on June 10, 2021.  This represents all of the students as of June 10 who are Pell Grant eligible at ACM – 565 students.  Each Friday, the Director of Student Financial Aid will determine new Pell Grant recipients added to our Database and will send the appropriate notice of award letter.

Students are asked to officially accept the award and are then given the option to have the emergency grant applied to any unpaid tuition and fees at ACM.  A postage-paid, self-addressed envelope was included with the letter so that students could easily return the letter to ACM.

These awards were added to Form AIDE in ACM’s FAMS system with a status code of “P” for Pending, until the letter is returned to the Student Financial Aid Office.  At that time, the Student Financial Aid Office will change the award to “Accepted” if the student accepted it or delete the award if not accepted.  The Business Office will be informed of students who chose to opt in and opt out of the payment option.

June 15, 2021







Dear «FirstName»,

Allegany College of Maryland is committed to supporting student success by providing an emergency grant award to students as part of the recently approved federal aid package, called the American Rescue Plan.    This act says institutions should award grant funds to students during the COVID-19 pandemic crisis who have exceptional need, such as students who receive a Federal Pell Grant.

According to our records, you have been awarded a Federal Pell Grant for the fall 2021 term.  Therefore, we would like to make an additional grant award to you from the American Rescue Plan Act.  This is a grant award and does not need to be repaid.  You are being awarded $XXXX for the fall 2021 term.


  • Complete the information at the bottom of this letter and return it in the enclosed self-addressed, postage paid envelope.  
  • Register for fall classes as soon as possible.  Contact our Advising Center at 301-784-5199 or via email at

After the fall term starts and we confirm your registration, we will disburse this award to you.  If you have any questions concerning this award, please contact our office at 301-784-5213 or via email at .   I wish you the best and look forward to seeing you on campus soon!

Vicki Smith
Vicki A. Smith, M.ED.
Director, Student Financial Aid Programs

Student Name: ___________________________________________________ Student ID: _______________________________

____________________ Initial here to accept this award.  

____________________ Initial here to have this award applied to any unpaid balance at ACM.  (Optional)


Students applying for the COVID 19 Emergency Grant as part of Categories #2 and #3 are instructed to complete the “Request for Special COVID-19 Scholarship” Application for the Fall 2021 term located on the ACM Website.  

A copy of the application is below.


Allegany College of Maryland is committed to supporting student success and wishes to provide emergency financial aid grants/scholarships to students whose lives have been impacted or disrupted by the COVID-19 crisis.  For the Fall 2021 and Spring 2022 semester, grants are being funded by the federal government through the American Rescue Plan Act of the Higher Education Relief Fund (HEERF III). Awards will be made until the funds are exhausted.

The main criterion for this grant is the demonstration of an exceptional need related to COVID in some way by a student (or the student’s family) who is registered for the Fall 2021 and/or Spring 2022 term.  This is a grant; and therefore, DOES NOT NEED TO BE REPAID.  Students experiencing ongoing challenges with financing their educational costs should contact the ACM Student Financial Aid Office.  

Directions: Choose the award you are requesting.  You can choose one or both if you qualify.  Then answer ALL of the questions below and select “SUBMIT.”

Student Name: ___________________________________________________ Student ID: _______________________________

Student Email: ___________________________________________________

I am applying for:

-A Student Emergency Grant Award: _______

-Must be registered for at least 1 credit hour for the Fall 2021 term.

-An Emergency Housing Grant for Willowbrook Woods:  ________

-I wish to receive an award for:    Fall 2021     ______

                                                        Spring 2022 _____

-The student must be registered and residing at Willowbrook Woods during semester of award.

-Students and guarantors remain responsible for all Willowbrook Woods obligations.

  1. How has COVID-19 affected your or your parents/spouse work status?
  2. How has COVID-19 affected your ability to learn/study?
  3. How will this money help you through this emergency?
  4. What emergency expense and its monetary value do you currently have related to the disruption of campus operations due to the coronavirus? (Some examples are:  loss of employment, food insecurity, housing disruption, lack of course materials, loss of health care, loss of child care, caring for sick family member, financial hardships)
  5. What scholarship amount do you need to be awarded to you?
  6. Is there any other information regarding your circumstances that you would like to share?

If COVID-19 has significantly affected your/your family’s 2020 or 2021 income negatively, please provide comments here.

I acknowledge that the above information is accurate, and I understand ACM will review it and make a determination on my eligibility.     INITIAL HERE:  _________

I agree to have this award applied to any unpaid balance at ACM and/or Willowbrook Woods.  

INITIAL HERE: ________

Once the application is completed and the applicant selects the “Submit” button, the application automatically goes to a shared Outlook Email Account. The ten (10) members of the review team will review all applications submitted and make an award decision for both categories. Students will be notified by an email to their ACM Student Email account immediately after an award decision is made by the committee. All applications will be forwarded to the Director of Student Financial Aid, who will add the awarded students’ award code and amount to Form AIDE (See below for an explanation of the award codes).  Here are the emails sent to students.


I am happy to award you $1000 from the COVID-19 American Rescue Plan Act Fall Scholarship campaign.  

Thank you for providing details of how COVID has impacted you and your family. We hope this award helps to ease the burden in some way. 

Best wishes for a great fall semester!

Vicki A. Smith  

Director of Student Financial Aid Programs 

Allegany College of Maryland 



At this time, we are unable to award you a COVID-19 American Rescue Plan Act Scholarship for the fall term. The main criteria is that the student or the student's family had a COVID-19 related issue. I did not see that stated on your application.

Thank you for your interest in this scholarship. Best wishes for a great fall semester!

Vicki A. Smith  

Director of Student Financial Aid Programs

Administrative Process to Distribute Funds to Students

ACM will use their FAMS (Ellucian’s Colleague) to award and disburse the HEERF III Act grants.  The Director of Accounting will set up a special Accounts Receivable code called “ARP” which will allow us to track payments made to students under the HEERF III award.  The Director of Student Financial Aid will create six (6) new award codes.  The codes and their descriptions are:

  • H3PES – Award made to Pell Eligible student who did not opt in for payment to go to outstanding charges at ACM.
  • H3PEA - Award made to Pell Eligible student who did opt in for payment to go to outstanding charges at ACM.
  • ARPST - Award made to student from Emergency COVID-19 Scholarship Application who did not opt in for payment to go to outstanding charges at ACM.
  • ARPAR - Award made to student from Emergency COVID-19 Scholarship Application who did opt in for payment to go to outstanding charges at ACM.
  • WBWST - Award made to WBW resident from Emergency COVID-19 Scholarship Application who did not opt in for payment to go to outstanding charges at WBW.
  • WBWAR - Award made to WBW resident from Emergency COVID-19 Scholarship Application who did opt in for payment to go to outstanding charges at WBW.

Students in Category #1 – all Federal Pell Grant eligible students – who return their notice of award and have accepted it will have their award status on AIDE changed to “Accepted” with the appropriate award code of H3PES or H3PEA.  If the student did not accept the award, it will be deleted from AIDE.  The Business Office will process the emergency grant payment and process the disbursement according to the award code.  

Students in Categories #2 and #3 who have been awarded one or both awards will have the correct award code added to Form AIDE.  The Business Office will process the emergency grant payment and process the disbursement according to the award code.

Shortly after the fall 2021 term starts, the Director of Student Financial Aid will begin the disbursement process for all six (6) awards through the normal Financial Aid Transmittal procedure.  For students receiving a disbursement check, the check will be printed and mailed to the home address of the student.  The student will also receive an email notification on the day the check is mailed.  Below is the email notice students will receive. 


A financial aid payment from the HEERF III ACT has been made to you and a check has been mailed to your home address.

Student Financial Aid Office 
Allegany College of Maryland 
12401 Willowbrook Road, SE 
Cumberland, MD 21502-2596 

Awards and disbursements from the HEERF III Act will continue to be made on a weekly basis until all of the funds are exhausted.

It is the goal of Allegany College of Maryland to get these emergency grant funds into the hands of our students as quickly as possible.  We realize not all students may accept the HEERF III Act award; and therefore, we may have remaining funds.  At the point that all students awarded have been paid, the Director of Student Financial Aid Programs will work with Senior Administration to determine the awarding process for the spring 2022 semester.  This report will be updated on at least a monthly basis to show student awards paid to date.


  • Update 8.27.21

Based on late guidance received from the U.S Department of Education, Senior Administration requested that $200,000 of the ARP funds be earmarked to support students registering for a course or courses through our Continuing Education programs.  Mr. Jeff Kirk will be the grant manager for these funds.  Students will be requested to submit an application to request emergency funds from the ARP funding.  Mr. Kirk will be responsible for awarding the monies and disbursing those funds to the C.E. students.  He will have until April 1, 2022 to disburse all monies.

Awards to Students Submitting an Application for an Emergency Grant:

  • To date, 594 applications have been received for the fall 2021 term. 570 were approved and awarded; 24 were denied based on no COVID-19 related issue.  The total awarded to date for the fall term is $548,724.

Awards to Students Submitting an Application for an Emergency Grant as a Willowbrook Woods Resident:

  • To date, 91applications have been received for the fall 2021 term.  All applications were approved for a total of $273,000.

Awards to Students who are Eligible for a Federal Pell Grant:

  • An award will automatically be given to all Pell eligible students who are enrolled for the fall 2021 term.  Awards will be based on each student’s EFC number, residency code, and dependency status.  To date, 924 students have been awarded an emergency ARP grant in this category, totaling $1,216,800.  ACM will continue to award students throughout the fall term as they are awarded a Federal Pell Grant.  This is done on a weekly basis by requesting a report from the Office of Institutional Research of Pell awards added to student records for that week.

In addition, students who have not yet returned their acknowledgement statement for this award were sent a reminder email to return the letter as soon as possible.

  • Update 8.30.21

In light of the rising cases due to the new COVID-19 strains, Senior Administration agreed to close the emergency application request process as of the close of business on Friday, August 27, 2021, which was the last day for students enroll in fall term courses.  This will allow us to assist students in emergency situations due to COVID-19 during the spring 2022 term.

Also, starting today, students who have awards who are not registered for the fall 2021 term will have their award deleted.


  • Update 10.13.21

As of October 13, 2011, the ACM Center for Continuing Education has disbursed $ 29,804 to 14 students.  An additional $1,574,316 has been disbursed to 1,017 credit students during the Fall 2021 semester.  A total of 33 students have not yet acknowledged receipt of their award.  All of them have been contacted via telephone and email, as shown below and given 2 weeks to complete the award information.  After that, the award will be deleted from the student record.

Dear Student,

You should have received a letter at your home address stating you were awarded a federal grant from President Biden's HEERF III American Rescue Act Plan DUE TO COVID-19. As of today, we have not received your acknowledgement of this award. This email serves as our last attempt to disburse the money to you.

You are receiving this money because you meet the criteria to receive the award according to the federal government guidelines.

HOW TO ACCEPT YOUR AWARD - Reply to this email stating one of the following:

-I agree to accept this award and wish to have the money applied to any unpaid balance I have with ACM


-I agree to accept this award and wish to have the money mailed directly to me.

After the Student Financial Aid Office receives your email, you will be paid within 2 weeks.



Student Financial Aid Office

  • Update 2.2.22

As Senior Administration allotted remaining funds from the HEERF III program to be used for the spring 2022 term, notifications were sent to students via email, text, and the ACM Website to apply for emergency funds for the spring 2022 term.   A total of $967,750 was available for students.   

A copy of the application is below.


Allegany College of Maryland is committed to supporting student success and wishes to provide emergency financial aid grants/scholarships to students whose lives have been impacted or disrupted by the COVID-19 crisis.  For the SPRING 2022 semester, grants are being funded by the federal government through the American Rescue Plan Act of the Higher Education Relief Fund (HEERF) III. Awards will be made until the funds are exhausted.

The main criteria for this grant is the demonstration of an exceptional need related to COVID in some way.  This is a grant; and therefore, NOT DOES NEED TO BE REPAID.  The maximum award will be $1,000.00.

Students experiencing ongoing challenges with financing their educational costs should contact the ACM Financial Aid Office.

Student Name: ___________________________________________________ Student ID: _______________________________

1. How has COVID-19 affected your or your parents/spouse work status?

2. How has COVID-19 affected your ability to learn/study?

3. How will this money help you through this emergency?

4. What emergency expense and its monetary value do you currently have related to the disruption of campus operations due to the coronavirus? (Some examples are:  loss of employment, food insecurity, housing disruption, lack of course materials, loss of health care, loss of child care, caring for sick family member, financial hardships)

5. What scholarship amount do you need to be awarded to you?

6. Is there any other information regarding your circumstances that you would like to share?

If COVID-19 has significantly affected your/your family’s 2020 or 2021 income negatively, please provide comments here.

I acknowledge that the above information is accurate, and I understand ACM will review it and make a determination on my eligibility.
INITIAL HERE:  _________

Initial here if you would like this award applied to your tuition and fees at ACM -

As of this date, all of the HEERF III American Rescue Plan funds to students have been expended.  ACM needed to spend $2,701,400 in emergency grants to students.  Following is the final breakdown of awards made during the summer 2021, fall 2021, and spring 2022 terms.

Summer 2021 $44,842 71
Fall 2021 $1,613,808 1,046
Spring 2022 $968,040 766
Center for Con Ed $75,000  
Total $2,701,690  


Total spent exceeds the student emergency grant amount by $290, which will be transferred from the HEERF III Institutional Fund.

This serves as the final report/notice for the emergency HEERF III awards to students.

United States Department of Education
Education Stabilization Fund

Contact Information

The following employees of Allegany College of Maryland have been designated to assist enrolled or prospective students in obtaining information on our school, financial assistance, graduation and retention rates, security policies, and crime statistics:

Meghan Palumbo
Interim Director of Student Financial Aid


Jennifer Engelbach
Director of Advising, Admissions, and Registration


Dr. Renee Conner
Dean of Student and Legal Affairs


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