Beginning in the 2017-2018 school year, Allegany College of Maryland and Allegany
County Public Schools began offering incoming ninth grade students the opportunity
to participate in an early college program through the Allegany County Pathways in
Technology Early College High (P-Tech) Program at essentially no cost. This opportunity
is made possible through collaboration between ACPS, ACM, and technology related business
and industry in Allegany County.
The P-Tech program is a high school and beyond (9-14) model, which combines high school, college and the world of work. The program’s mission is to provide students with a free education that starts in grade nine, continues through high school completion with a high school diploma, and culminates in the attainment of an Associate Degree from ACM.
The ultimate goal of the P-Tech program is for students to earn an Associate of Applied Science Degree in Computer Technology with a Cybersecurity focus within two years of graduating from ACPS. Students who move through the coursework at an accelerated pace will have the option to complete the program in as little as four years. Additionally, P-TECH graduates have the ability to transfer to Frostburg State University to complete a Baccalaureate Degree in a computer science field, ensuring seamless transfer and optimal articulation of credit.
Funded in part by the Maryland State Department of Education, The P-TECH model complements the already successful collaboration among Allegany County Public Schools and Allegany College of Maryland and is another positive step toward the goal of economic growth in the IT sector for Allegany County.
Recruitment for the program begins in February of every academic year for eighth graders. For more information on the program, interested students should contact Melissa Kaye, P-TECH Coordinator at the Center for Career & Technical Education or Phone: 301-729-6486.