LMS Requirements
Brightspace requires the use of a current browser, JavaScript, and Cookies. You can do a System Check at the Brightspace Learning Center to determine whether your browser is configured
to use Brightspace.
The following programs are sometimes needed to access online content in learning management systems:
Essential Tech Skills
The minimum tech skills expected of learners enrolled at Allegany College of Maryland
include the following capabilities:
Necessary tech skills will vary from course to course, depending on the instructional technologies utilized in the course content.
Recommended Browsers
Brightspace supports Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Safari. If using other browsers,
there is a higher probability of experiencing errors.
Netiquette Expectations
Netiquette is online etiquette. It is important that participants in eCourses are
aware of the proper online behavior and are respectful of each other. Netiquette expectations
include the use of appropriate language for an educational environment:
Please be respectful of differences while engaging in online discussions.