Expressions Student Literary Magazine

ACM's Expressions celebrates creativity of our students by compiling their original literary and artistic works (essay, fiction, poetry, and artwork) into an annual volume. All current students are invited to be part of Expressions and share their unique perspective and talent with a regional and national audience. You do not have to major in the arts and humanities, or multimedia technology to participate in Expressions.

Each student may submit up to 10 files or images of their original work for consideration. An editorial board of faculty and staff members assist with the selection process. Expressions is edited by a student editor and guided by faculty editors. 

Expressions is submitted to the Community College Humanities Association to be judged as part of its national literary magazine competition. ACM competes against literary magazines from community colleges in CCHA’s Eastern Division, which includes Connecticut, Delaware, the District of Columbia, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Puerto Rico.

Magazine Awards

  • National Award for Best Magazine, 2022
  • Best Magazine, Eastern Division, First Place, 2014
  • Best Magazine, Eastern Division, Second Place, 2023, 2017
  • Best Magazine, Eastern Division, Third Place, 2024, 2016

Individual Awards

  • 2024 Eastern Division: Mattesyn Crotts, Jonathan Schmoyer, and Drake Rose
  • 2023 Eastern Division: Fatima Drammeh, Jolene DePiro-Walters, Drake Rose, and Ashley Rose Sileo


Interested in submitting your work for the next edition? The form for the 2026 edition will be available soon!



2023 Expressions Magazine


Expressions Magazines
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