Cost to Attend

The Cost of Attendance (COA) is an estimated amount of what it will cost you to attend Allegany College of Maryland for one academic year (typically, a fall and spring semester). The federal government determines the types of expenses that can be included in the COA; however, the college must determine the appropriate and reasonable amounts to include for each eligible COA type for its students. The types of expenses that make up a COA are:

  • Tuition and Fees
  • Books, Course Materials, Supplies, and Equipment
  • Transportation
  • Miscellaneous Personal Expenses
  • Living Expenses: Food and Housing

The 2024-2025 Cost of Attendance information for ACM students is below. Please feel free to contact the Student Financial Aid Office should you have any questions about this information.

PLEASE NOTE: The budgets below were created using 14 credit hours per term, as this is the average credits per term that ACM students enroll. The costs shown here may differ from the tuition and fee figures shown on our website, as those figures typically use 15 credit hours per semester.

Allegany County Resident - Full-Time On Campus Dependent Independent
Tuition and Fees $3954 $3954 $3954

*Included Fees

$3096 (Tuition @ $1548/semester - Based on 12 credits per term)
$80 (Registration Fee @ $40/semester)
$240 (Technology Fee @ $10 per credit hour)
$240 (Student Fee @ $10 per credit hour)
$144 (Sustainability Fee @ $6 per credit hour)
$154 (One Lab course/semester)

Books, Materials, Supplies, and Equipment $1272 $1272 $1272
Transportation $1590 $1590 $1590
Miscellaneous Personal Expenses $2490 $2490 $2490
Living Expenses: Food and Housing for 9 Months of School ** $10560 $5760 $10560
Average Federal Student Loan Fees $59 $59 $59
$19925 $15125 $19925


Maryland Resident - Full-Time Living in WBW Dependent Independent
Tuition and Fees $7434 $7434 $7434

*Included Fees

$6576 (Tuition @ $3288/semester- Based on 12 credits per term)
$80 (Registration Fee @ $40/semester)
$240 (Technology Fee @ $10 per credit hour)
$240 (Student Fee @ $10 per credit hour)
$144 (Sustainability Fee @ $6 per credit hour)
$154 (One Lab course/semester)

Books, Materials, Supplies and Equipment $1272 $1272 $1272
Transportation $1590 $2400 $2400
Miscellaneous Personal Expenses $2490 $2490 $2490
Living Expenses: Food and Housing for 9 Months of School ** $10560 $5760 $10560
Average Federal Student Loan Fees $59 $59 $59
TOTAL COST $23405 $19415 $24215


Out of State Resident - Full Time Living in WBW Dependent Independent
Tuition and Fees $9834 $9834 $9834

*Included Fees

$8976 (Tuition @ $4488/semester-Based on 12 credits per term)
$80 (Registration Fee @ $40/semester)
$240 (Technology Fee @ $10 per credit hour)
$240 (Student Fee @ $10 per credit hour)
$144 (Sustainability Fee @ $6 per credit hour)
$154 (One Lab course/semester)

Books. Materials, Supplies, and Equipment $1272 $1272 $1272
Transportation $1590 $2400 $2400
Miscellaneous Personal Expenses $2490 $2490 $2490
Living Expenses: Food and Housing for 9 Months of School** $10560 $5760 $10560
Average Federal Student Loan Fees $59 $59 $59
TOTAL COST $25805 $21815 $26615
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