Maryland NOW's ERA Taskforce Chair Mary Ann Gorman to Speak at ACM on March 1



ERA graphic with info, bullhorn


CUMBERLAND, Md. (Feb. 21, 2024)—Allegany College of Maryland will host an Empowering Our Freedoms, Protecting Us All: The Equal Rights Amendment & You event from 1-3 p.m. on March 1. Mary Ann Gorman, the guest speaker, is an Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) expert and chair of the Maryland National Organization of Women’s ERA taskforce. The event will be held in Room 121 of the Technology Building. Guests may attend in person or online, and registration is available at

Following Gorman’s presentation and updates on the ERA, a discussion and Q&A session will be held.  

The Empowering Our Freedoms, Protecting Us All: The Equal Rights Amendment & You event is supported by Allegany College of Maryland; Choose Civility: Allegany County, MD; the Allegany County Women’s Action Coalition; and Frostburg State University.  

Please contact Diane McMahon, the faculty director of the College to Community Partnership Center at ACM, for additional information by emailing or calling 301-784-5306.  

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