To update your phone number, fill out and submit the form, located here: Change of Phone Number Form
Important Note:
If you are changing your number, you will also need to update your Multi-Factor Authentication number in Microsoft 365. To do that, follow the instructions at the bottom of this page:
Step One:
In Self-Service, click on your username in the top bar, and then click "User Profile" from the dropdown.
Step Two:
In the "Addresses" section, click on the "Add New Address" button
Step Three:
Enter your address in the box that pops up and then click on the "Add Address" button
Step One:
In Self-Service, click on your username in the top bar, and then click "User Profile" from the dropdown.
Step Two:
In the address list, click on the pencil icon next to the address you wish to edit
Step Three:
In the "Enter Address Details" box, update your address and then click the "Update Address" button