Strategic Plan

Allegany College of Maryland is pleased to present the community with its newest Strategic Plan which will be in operation through the 2027-2028 academic year. With all of the changes to higher education during the preceding years and the opportunities presented by changing technology and learning opportunities, the College is well-positioned to improve its operations in service to the surrounding community and its students. This Plan re-emphasizes the College’s core operations of Success and Access while drawing on the impressive capacity of workforce development to round out what services are provided. Further, the College is placing greater focuses on all forms of diversity amongst students, employees, and instruction to ensure ongoing equity of services, opportunities, and outcomes.

Priority teams are tasked with the administration of the College’s Strategic Plan. These groups are led by content experts and invested individuals from the College and meet periodically throughout the year to determine courses of action, evaluate Plan progress, and discuss institutional direction. Any questions regarding the Strategic Plan can be directed to Scott Harrah, Executive Director of Institutional Effectiveness, Research, and Planning (


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