Anthony DeBonis

Anothy DeBonis

At a Glance

Name: Anthony DeBonis
Major: Business Management
Campus: Bedford County Campus

Q & A
  • Where are you from?
    Bedford, PA
  • Why did you choose your major?
    To expand my knowledge of business.
  • What made you choose Allegany College of Maryland?
    Close to home, price, and the people I knew coming here.
  • How has your experience been at ACM?
    Great! The instructors are easygoing and awesome.  
  • What do you like best about ACM?
    The people.
  • When will you graduate and what are your plans after college?
    I plan to graduate in 2025 and get my insurance license to start working for a firm. 
  • Give me one word that best describes Allegany College of Maryland.
    Kind. Everyone here is kind, and willing to help and understand.  
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