Ava Weicht

Ava Weicht

At a Glance

Name: Ava Weicht

Major: Teacher Education
Sport: Cross Country

Q & A
  • Where are you from?
    Everett, Pennsylvania
  • What high school did you attend?
    Everett Area High School
  • Why did you choose your major?
    I chose to go into education to encourage students to grow and learn. I wanted to positively influence their lives so they realize they can grow up to be whatever they want. I went into education to be a positive role model for younger students to look up to so they always value the power of education and everything learning has to offer. 
  • Why did you choose Allegany College of Maryland?
    I chose ACM because I can commute there. I didn’t want to live on campus away from my family, and ACM had the major I wanted to go into with a great teacher, so this option fit me perfectly.
  • How has your experience been at ACM?
    It has been so much fun, and the teachers are all so good at their jobs. They help you understand the content being taught and are really there for the student’s best interest. The extra clubs, sports, and activities that I have been blessed to join all provide me with such a sense of community and belonging.  It's truly such an honor to be here.
  • Why would you recommend ACM to future students?
    I would recommend it because of the support systems it offers.  ACM lets students know that they are not alone. They provide their students with so many helpful programs that can aid students with mental help, necessities, and comfort. They want every student to get educated, and ACM does everything they can to see that happen.
  • What advice would you give to future students?
    My advice would be to join clubs, group activities, or sports. These fill you with such a sense of belonging and family. You can make new friends and share a space with other people who like doing the same things you do. It allows you to get up and out, be productive, and be engaged in this world, which is such a beautiful thing. 
  • What are your plans for after graduation?
    I will graduate from ACM in the Spring of 2026. Then, I plan on transferring to another school to finish my bachelor's degree and become a teacher.
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