Christy Carbaugh

Christy Carbaugh

At a Glance
Name: Christy Carbaugh
Major: Nursing

Q & A
  • Why did you choose this major?
    I have worked in the medical field for 14 years as an EMT, in the ER, and as a medical assistant in a surgeon’s office.  The doctor built his own surgery center and I needed to get my degree for career advancement.  
  • What made you choose Allegany College of Maryland?
    It is local, affordable, and I am able to be home with my family, which is very important.  
  • How has your experience been at ACM?
    I love it!  I absolutely love it!  Small class sizes with a diversity of students in ages and backgrounds.  In a big university, you don’t have the family atmosphere.  
  • Why would you recommend ACM to future students?
    For the same reasons stated above; it’s a family atmosphere with small class sizes.
  • What are some challenges you have encountered as a college student?
    The amount of time and work that goes into studying.  I have to pick and choose my priorities and sometimes it becomes difficult.  
  • What advice would you give future college students?
    Don’t ever give up, at all.  It is never too late.  Put your mind to it, have a good support system, and you can do it!
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