Tony Ballas

Tony Ballas

At a Glance

Name: Tony Ballas
Major: Multimedia Technology
Class of: 2020

Q & A
  • What is your Major?
    I was always interested in photography and wanted to learn how to take and edit video, so when I saw ACM offered the Multimedia program I was sold. 
  • What advice would you give to students interested in your career path?
    Learn as much as you can, study hard, and know there are a lot of projects to create, which are fun as well as time-consuming.  At least they were for me because I always tried to do my best.  Another big plus is you can do projects in areas you like and want to learn more about, and they count towards your practicum hours.

  • What was your overall experience at ACM?
    Great!  All the staff, instructors, and office personnel are great.  They're friendly, helpful, and really care about our education.
  • Who was your favorite ACM faculty/staff member?  Why?  
    I can’t say I have a favorite; all of the Multimedia personnel are awesome! The people that inspired and assisted me most in my education were Professor John Bone, Instructor Jared Ritchey, Professor Jim House, and staff photographer Levi Fester.
  • What is your greatest achievement in your career?
    I can’t put my finger on the greatest one since there are many.  First is graduation, and I have also had three photos shown in National Exhibitions.  I’ve had several photos in ACM’s student magazine, “Expressions” as well as the 2020 cover photo.  Plus, I am very proud of a video I did on the history of the Western Maryland Railway for the Western Maryland chapter of the National Railroad Historical Society.  It is available to see at both the Cumberland Railroad Museum and the Allegany Museum.
  • Additional comments:
    If you study hard and put forth your best effort, the benefits are more than worth it. Pick a career path you will enjoy and find satisfying!
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